Dental fear
Do you get palpitations, shaky hands and sweating when you go to the dentist? Don't worry - you're not the only one. Dental fear is common. 30% of Danes get nervous at the thought of sitting in the dentist's chair, while 10% suffer from dental fear to such an extent that it can be described as an actual phobia - Odontophobia.

Dentists specializing in dental anxiety
At Tandliv, we are dentists specializing in dental fear. We have extensive experience in helping patients overcome their fears and make them feel confident about future dental visits. And we can definitely help you too.
We have a strong focus on painless treatment, and we will always give you an appointment right away, so you don't have to wait with nervousness in your stomach for days before your visit.
With us, you will also meet the same therapist every time. So you know that you'll always be met by someone who understands your fears - and takes them into account.
Would you like to book an appointment with one of our dentists specializing in dental anxiety - or just have a calming chat? Then you are more than welcome to contact us.
What is dental fear?
Up to 20% of the Danish population suffers from dental fear. Dental fear (also known as odontophobia) is a common term for being nervous or in some cases downright terrified of going to the dentist.
It's not the dentist or dental hygienist you're afraid of - it's the treatment, instruments or examination itself.
There are many different reasons why you may feel anxious about sitting in the dentist's chair. If you have dental anxiety, you will often put off going to the dentist time and time again until it is unavoidable.
What are the symptoms of dental fear?
What are the symptoms of dental fear?
Dental anxiety manifests itself in different ways and degrees. Some people get slightly nervous, but others have violent physical reactions. Often, anxiety will manifest as a mixture of physical and psychological symptoms.
Physical symptoms of dental fear:
- Heart palpitations
- Tense muscles
- Sweating
- Cold and clammy hands
- Dry mouth
- Nausea
- Tremors
- Increased urge to go to the toilet.
Mental symptoms of dental fear:
- Tightness
- Irritability
- Difficulty concentrating
- Thoughts of pain and horror scenarios.
Attentive dentists who can handle your anxiety
If you have a fear of the dentist, it probably stems from a bad experience at the dentist in your childhood. It was either a painful experience or a dentist who failed to put you at ease.
At Tandliv, we are all trained and educated in dealing with your anxiety. This means we're ready to understand and care - from the second you call and share your fears with us.
We know that an incredible amount of energy and thought has gone into just calling us. To put your mind at ease and put you at ease, it's important that you know a few things before you come in. Get to know our staff before you visit the clinic.

How we tackle your dental fear
We know that going to the dentist can be a huge challenge for many people.
That's why you get with us:
✓ One treatment team throughout the entire process
When you come to us for either a dental check-up or a dental treatment, you will always be followed by the same dentist and the same dental hygienist.
✓ Trained staff in dental anxiety
Our staff are trained in dealing with dental anxiety.
No treatment without consent
When you come to us for either a dental check-up or a dental treatment, you will always be followed by the same dentist and the same dental hygienist.
✓ Painless treatment
Our staff are trained in dealing with dental anxiety.
✓ Fast feedback on phone and email
We always answer emails the same day between 9am and 4pm and are ready to talk to you on the phone every day except Sunday.
Safe to know about Tandliv
- We have all the time you need.
- We will never pressure you to do anything you don't want to do.
- We won't do anything we haven't prepared you for.
- We put ourselves 100% in your shoes and fully understand your anxiety.
- We will go to great lengths to give you a great experience.
- We can guarantee you 100% pain-free treatment.
- We wouldn't dream of judging or scolding you for "only getting here now".
- We have great respect for you overcoming your fears - and see it as a huge vote of confidence that you have chosen us.
Most people with dental anxiety have an idea that their teeth are in bad shape. However, this is often far from the case - which is most likely true for you too.

We understand your anxiety - and take every consideration
Because all our staff are trained in dental anxiety, we all fully understand how hard it can be to deal with it. When you tell us you're struggling with it, we make sure to pay close attention to looking after you throughout the consultation and treatment.
That's why we never rush through a treatment but make sure to leave extra time for you.
We never start a treatment until we have discussed it with you and received your consent. At the same time, you will be told what will happen - so you always know what to expect.
At the clinic, we specialize in painless treatment. This means that we ensure that all your treatment is painless dentistry. We do this by using surface anesthesia before the actual anesthesia, which ensures that even the sting of the anesthesia cannot be felt.
We know there can be a lot of embarrassment associated with dental fear - but for us, it's certainly not embarrassing. We just think you're brave for taking the step to call us and book an appointment.
If you don't want to go through with a treatment after you have arrived at the clinic, there is always room for you to say no.
Before we start any treatment, we can talk to you about what it will cost - and we can make a plan for you about payment options. We are a relatively cheap dentist with prices that make sense. You also have the option to pay by installments with no set-up fees or interest.
10 tips to overcome your fear of dentists
- Be honest about your fear of yourself and the dentist
It's much easier to get through your dental fear if you don't try to hide your fear - from yourself, or your dentist. - Talk to your dentist before you book an appointment
It is important that you tell us if you are afraid. That way we can customize your treatment based on your needs and wishes. - Remember your breath and take deep breaths all the way down into your stomach
Remember your breath when you're going for treatment. By connecting with your body, you'll find it easier to calm down during the treatment. - Order morning meals
By booking morning appointments when you go to the dentist, you don't have to be nervous all day before the treatment. - Schedule a "break signal" with your dentist
Arrange a signal with your dentist that you can use if you need a break during treatment. - Listen to music during your treatment
Many people prefer to put some relaxing music in their ears during any dental treatment. It can help take your mind off things and let your thoughts drift elsewhere. If you think it might help you, you are always welcome to play music from your smartphone in your ears during treatment. - You can always ask for local anesthesia
No matter what treatment you need, you can always ask for local anesthesia. - Bring a friend
Many people are happy to bring a friend or family member to the clinic. It can help you feel more comfortable. - Get into a good rhythm
It's a good idea not to let too much time pass between visits. After you've taken the first step with a consultation, you can try to go for more frequent check-ups - so as not to exacerbate your fears. - Go to therapy if it's really bad
If you feel your phobia is very bad, you can also supplement your visit with us with therapy. Dental anxiety is so common today that both therapists and psychologists are experienced in treating dental anxiety.
Why is it important to get going?
Studies show that dental fear is almost as common as fear of heights. So it's perfectly normal to feel anxious about going - and it's nothing to be embarrassed about. However, it's important that you get going.
When teeth are not regularly maintained, they can become decayed, weak and make it harder for you to chew with them. You may also be unlucky enough to develop dental diseases that worsen if not managed by a dentist.
The most common cause of dental anxiety is having had a bad experience in the past that you're afraid to relive. Fortunately, today, both check-ups and treatments can be done 100% pain-free.
You can take the dental association test to give you an insight into whether you have severe dental fear.
FAQ about dental fear
Dental anxiety can occur for a variety of reasons. Some people develop it after a previous painful or unpleasant experience at the dentist, while others get it from negative stories or warnings from friends and family. It can also be caused by a general anxiety disorder, fear of pain, needles, instrument sounds, or a feeling of loss of control during treatment. For some, the fright can occur without a clear cause.
To overcome dental fear, you can try the following strategies:
- Communicate openly with your dentist about your anxiety and ask for explanations.
- Use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization or progressive muscle relaxation.
- Use distractions like music or movies during treatment.
- Set up signals with the dentist so you can ask for a break.
- Use a dentist, like Tandliv, who specializes in treating patients with dental fear.
Contact us and get advice
If you have any doubts or questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

- I look forward to meeting you in the clinic.
- Dental clinic assistant
Selma graduated as a dental assistant from the Panumin Institute in 2001. She has worked as a dental assistant at Tandlægerne Enghave Plads 6 since 2007.
Working primarily with dentist Mats Gade Philipson, Selma has a special interest in dental anxiety, surgery/implants and cosmetic dental treatments.
She has expertise in CBCT and OP scanning, impressions, prophylaxis, endo/root canal therapy and PFR blood sampling.
Contact Tandliv for questions
Do you have questions about prices or the treatment process?
Contact Tandliv today and get answers to your questions.