Snoring guards

Around 40% of people between the ages of 40 and 70 snore. Light snoring is not a problem for most people, but it can be very disturbing for a potential partner and you often end up in separate bedrooms.

Snoring splints from tandliv can help improve your sleep

More moderate or heavy snoring can lead to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which means pauses in breathing as the airways become blocked. This leads to poor sleep quality where you wake up several times during the night and you will find yourself very tired during the day. A more serious consequence of pauses in breathing is high blood pressure and heart disease, which can be life-threatening. Do you have problems with snoring? Then a snoring splint may be the solution.


You are welcome to contact us to learn more about your snorkeling options.

Why do you snore?

Snoring is caused by vibrations in the throat as the muscles relax when we sleep. This causes the soft tissue in the pharynx to collapse. This results in less space and oxygen is therefore pushed through, producing the snoring sound. Enlarged soft tissues in the nose, throat and mouth - such as the tongue - will fall back and close off the airway.

Alcohol and sleeping pills aggravate the laxity of the tissue in the pharynx. Similarly, snoring is exacerbated by obesity as fat deposits further constrict the pharynx.

Examples of causes of snoring:

  • Nasal polyps
  • Crooked nasal septum
  • Large almonds
  • Big tongue
  • The lower jaw is set far back
  • Swollen mucous membranes due to colds or allergies
  • Overweight.

Treatment of snoring

Before treatment can begin, it is important to determine the degree of snoring. There is a difference between light snoring, moderate snoring, heavy snoring and snoring that has resulted in obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition where you stop breathing between 10-50 seconds. When oxygen levels drop, signals are sent to the body to wake up. You often don't notice this, but it means that you don't get consistent deep sleep and therefore a poorer quality of sleep.


If you suspect you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, you should see your doctor, who can refer you for a CRM (Cardio respiratory monitoring.) A CRM exam examines the number and frequency of apneas and blood oxygen levels. From this, the severity of the condition can be assessed.

In obstructive sleep apnea, there is an increased risk of high blood pressure, which can lead to blood clots in the heart and brain. In addition, studies show that there is a link between obstructive sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea

  • Pronounced fatigue during the day.
  • Greater irritation
  • Sweating at night
  • Restless sleep
  • Reduced ability to concentrate.

The most common treatment in Denmark is an oxygen mask that you sleep with. This is called a CPAP treatment (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure treatment). The mask forces oxygen into the lungs, normalizing breathing and preventing snoring.

If the condition is not that severe, you can get a snoring splint made by your dentist.

What is a snore guard?

A snore guard is used at night and ensures that there is a free passage for oxygen to pass through the pharynx. This reduces the chance of the pharynx vibrating and making snoring sounds. The mouthguard consists of two rails - one for the upper jaw and one for the lower jaw. The two splints are custom-made for you and ensure that the lower jaw is brought forward to a position where you can still relax the muscles and jaw joints, but where the airways are opened.

How a snore guard works

Snorkel splint treatment is a relatively new but easy treatment with little to no side effects.

The use of snoring splints has been shown to have a good effect on snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnea.
The splints are easy to use and take a little getting used to as the muscles and jaw adjust to the new position. There may be some muscle soreness at first, but this will subside after a few weeks. You may also find that the clenching has changed slightly when you take the splints out in the morning. This will correct itself over the next 15-20 minutes.

There are different types of mouthguards. At Tandliv, we take into account the individual and their needs. If you also grind your teeth in addition to snoring, this must be taken into account when planning which splint you need. In a conversation with your practitioner, you will find out together which splint will be best for you.

The different types of lanyard rails

What characterizes all snoring splints is that they move the lower jaw to a position where you can still relax the muscles and jaw joints, but where the airways are opened. This prevents snoring as oxygen can now pass freely. You sleep with the splint every night. It is normal to need to adjust your splint after a while, which is why we recommend that you always bring it with you for regular check-ups.

The Moses Elite

A mouthguard for those who also grind their teeth at night. The Moses Elite consists of 2 splints. One for the upper jaw and one for the lower jaw. The acrylic splints are flexible and strong and can withstand the pressure of clenching when grinding your teeth. The trays cover all teeth.

OSS rails

Also an acrylic splint, but this time only one splint. The splint covers the teeth on the side and has a bracket over the front. The splint was developed at Odense University Hospital in collaboration with dental schools.


The new Silensor-sl is made entirely of plastic and comes with interchangeable hinges that allow the protrusion to be adjusted. The rail is very comfortable to wear.

Contact us and get advice

If you have any doubts or questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Meet Mie Vorbjerg

Born in 1978 and graduated in 2014 from the School for Clinical Assistants and Dental Hygienists in Copenhagen. Continuing education in Periodontology at the Department of Odontology and Oral Health in Aarhus 2018 and treats, among other things, severe conditions of periodontosis.

Mie is also a member of:
- Danish Dental Hygienists Association

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