Wisdom teeth

Do you need to have your wisdom teeth looked at - or maybe even one or more removed? Have your wisdom teeth removed at Tandliv. We examine your wisdom teeth thoroughly and treat them gently and effectively.

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What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are part of your adult dentition, which has a total of 32 teeth. If you have all your teeth, your wisdom teeth will be your 4 back molars.

Wisdom teeth typically appear between the ages of 17-22, when they erupt through the gums. Some people experience them lying in the jawbone, while others don't have them at all.

Our wisdom teeth today have no special function. As evolution has progressed, the human jaw has become smaller, which actually means that there is no room for wisdom teeth in the jaw.

Over time, we have also become better at keeping our teeth healthy and clean. This actually means that we don't even need a 3rd molar, which a wisdom tooth is.

When will I get my wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are formed around the age of 8-9 and usually erupt in the mouth between the ages of 17-22. When the tooth erupts, the crown (the visible part of the tooth) is fully formed, whereas the root of the tooth is not yet fully formed. Around 22-23 years of age, the root will be fully formed.

Why didn't I get my wisdom teeth?

It is not uncommon to be missing one or more wisdom teeth. Either the tooth hasn't formed at all, or it's in the jawbone but never emerges. Finally, some people find that a wisdom tooth stops in the middle of its eruption. This could be because there is no room for the tooth, but it could also be that the eruption stops for unknown reasons.

Approximately 10% of Danes are missing 1 or more wisdom teeth from birth. Research suggests that wisdom teeth are a relic of the past, when jaws and tooth wear were greater.

What problems can wisdom teeth cause?

There can be problems with wisdom teeth - both erupted wisdom teeth and those that remain in the jawbone.

Problems with wisdom teeth that are erupted but partially covered by gums:

  • Increased risk of holes as the area can be difficult to keep free from bacteria
  • Increased risk of gingivitis as the area can be difficult to keep clean
  • Increased risk of bad breath due to bacteria build-up.

Problems with wisdom teeth that cannot be seen but are misaligned in the jawbone:

  • Risk of disturbing and irritating the neighboring tooth.
Get your wisdom teeth treated at tandliv

When wisdom teeth removal should be done

There can be several reasons for wisdom tooth removal. As a rule of thumb, it makes sense to have a wisdom tooth removed if you have:

  • Hole in the wisdom tooth or hole in its neighboring tooth
  • Periodontal treatment on the neighboring tooth
  • Inflammation around the wisdom tooth
  • Cyst formation (i.e. a fluid-filled cavity) around an unerupted wisdom tooth
  • A wisdom tooth that has not erupted and is bothering the neighboring tooth
  • Special bite conditions where the wisdom tooth is bothering.

In all cases, you will need to get an individual assessment from your dentist.

Pain around a wisdom tooth

Before the tooth breaks through the mucosa, the area can become sore:

However, the soreness should subside as the tooth erupts. If it continues to hurt, or if the pain intensifies, you should be examined to rule out an inflammatory condition around the wisdom tooth.

When the tooth is partially erupted:

A half-erupted tooth where the gums are still slightly overlying increases the risk of bacterial build-up, which can cause gingivitis and general inflammation around the tooth. If the area becomes swollen, red and sore, you can rinse with a disinfectant to treat the inflammation. If it's a recurring problem, you should probably consider removing the tooth.

The treatment course for wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom teeth removal is performed under local anesthesia. This means we always ensure a painless wisdom tooth removal. We know that having a tooth removed can be scary, which is why we focus on giving you a safe experience from examination to treatment.

If the wisdom tooth is fully erupted

If your tooth is fully erupted, we can remove it with a simple tooth extraction. It doesn't take long and is a painless treatment.

If the wisdom tooth has not erupted yet

If the tooth has not erupted properly, we will perform a small surgical procedure on the mucosa and adjacent jawbone around the wisdom tooth. You will be given a local anesthetic and the surgery will therefore be painless.

After wisdom tooth surgery

If you've had surgery, you may feel pain when the anesthesia no longer works. However, ordinary painkillers can often take the pain away. You may also experience swelling around the removed wisdom tooth. However, the swelling usually only lasts 2-5 days.

After having your wisdom tooth removed, it's important to keep it clean. You can do this by rinsing your mouth with chlorhexidine. However, do not scrub around the wound with your toothbrush.

Can I do anything after wisdom tooth removal?

It is important to remember that wisdom tooth removal is a surgical procedure. We therefore recommend that you don't have any plans after you have had a wisdom tooth removed. Most likely, you won't have the energy or energy to do anything other than relax at home.

Even though wisdom teeth removal isn't physically hard on the body, you may still feel exhausted. For many patients, this can be on their minds in the days leading up to the procedure. This means you may be mentally exhausted once it's over.

Are you one of the 20% of the population who suffer from dental anxiety? Then you should know that we fully understand your feelings. We specialize in dealing with dental anxiety, so we can guarantee that we can get you through your wisdom teeth removal safely and comfortably.

FAQ - wisdom teeth treatment

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last permanent teeth to emerge. They usually begin to erupt through the gums between the ages of 17 and 25, but this can vary from person to person. Some people never get wisdom teeth, while others may experience them later in life.

It's time to have a wisdom tooth removed if it's causing problems such as pain, infection, gum disease, damage to neighboring teeth, cyst formation or crowding in the mouth. Our dentist may also recommend removal if the wisdom tooth cannot erupt properly, is partially erupted or is on track to cause future complications.

Wisdom tooth removal is usually performed under local anesthesia, which means you won't feel any pain during the procedure. After surgery, you may experience pain, swelling and tenderness in the area, but these symptoms can be managed with painkillers and ice. Follow your dentist's recommendations to minimize discomfort and promote healing.

Contact us and get advice

If you have any doubts or questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Meet Mats Gade Philipson

Born 1986, graduated in 2011 from Aarhus University at the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health. Mats also graduated in 2016 from the Royal College of Surgeons in London.

Mats is a member of:

  • the professional society Europian Assocation for Osseointegration
  • Danish Society for Oral Implantology
  • Danish Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Howie Gluckmans Aesthetic Academy South Africa
  • ITI and participate in studygroups

He has also taken courses in: 

  • PRF treatment by Joseph Choukroun
  • Advanced Periodontal Surgery with Zuchelli at Stoma

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