What is a wisdom tooth?

Most people are predisposed to 32 teeth evenly distributed between the upper and lower jaws. These can be further divided into incisors, canine teeth, small molars (Premolars) and mandibular teeth (molars). There are 3 large molars on each side of the upper and lower jaws, and it is the most rear of these, which are named wisdom teeth ( Third molar teeth).

For many people the wisdom teeth are not properly grown, or lie and disturbs the adjacent tooth. This may in the first case lead to cavities or inflammation around the wisdom tooth, which can be painful, and in the latter case also lead to the disintegration of the adjacent tooth. Therefore it is often sensible to extract the wisdom teeth.

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Painless to extract a wisdom tooth

Inflammation of a wisdom tooth can be very painful, but the very act of removing a wisdom tooth is a relatively painless operation. Extraction of wisdom teeth is done under local anaesthesia, through a small surgical procedure.


Most people get their wisdom teeth around 20-years of age. You can get a total of four wisdom teeth, two in the upper jaw and two in the mandible.

It’s relatively painless to remove a wisdom tooth since the small surgical procedure is done under local anesthesia.

Price for the removal of wisdom teeth:
From DKK 775, –
The Dentists @ Enghave Plads.

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Mød Zohair Azzouzi

Født 1974, uddannet fra Københavns Universitet fra Odontologisk Institut på Tandlægeskolen i 2004. Erfaren tandlæge, som har undervist på Tandlægeskolen i KBH i tandkødssygdomme og foretager særlige behandlinger i paradentose.

Zohair har ligeledes publiceret en artikel i Tandlægebladet om “parodontittis juvenilis”, som kan læses her eller læses om på Odontologisk Instituts hjemmeside.

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