Dental pain emergency treatment

We perform acute dentistry service during opening hours.
Outside opening hours please contact the Emergency Dental Service, the Deputy Doctor or ER.

Emergency Dental Service

  • Oslo Plads 14
  • Tel: +45 35 38 02 51
  • Weekdays at 20:00 to 21:30
  • Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
  • pm. 10:00 to 12:00 and at. 20:00 to 21:30

Remember Health Insurance Card (Sygesikringsbevis)!

broken tooth / split filling

Do not expose the tooth to cold or heat and do not chew with the damaged tooth. Keep the area around the damaged tooth clean using a toothbrush and dental floss until you have consulted your dentist.


If you experience severe Toothache, you should consult your dentist as soon as possible. Relieve the toothache with painkillers. Violent toothache usually occurs because bacteria or a crack has reached into the nerve of the tooth.

Wisdom tooth

Toothache by inflammation around a Wisdom Tooth can be attenuated by rinsing the mouth with chlorhexidine. Consult your dentist as soon as possible.


Have you completely or partially knocked out your teeth in an accident, you should, if possible, keep the teeth in clean water or in your mouth. Consult your dentist immediately!


We accept patients for emergency dental care and pain relief during opening hours.

Links to more information about emergency dental care.

Dental Service in Denmark
Open Late Pharmacies

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Mød Zohair Azzouzi

Født 1974, uddannet fra Københavns Universitet fra Odontologisk Institut på Tandlægeskolen i 2004. Erfaren tandlæge, som har undervist på Tandlægeskolen i KBH i tandkødssygdomme og foretager særlige behandlinger i paradentose.

Zohair har ligeledes publiceret en artikel i Tandlægebladet om “parodontittis juvenilis”, som kan læses her eller læses om på Odontologisk Instituts hjemmeside.

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